Monday 26 February 2018

Different types of burn injuries

One of the worst feeling in the world is getting injured due to someone else’s negligence and resolving the injury claim is one of the most difficult and aggravating procedures. A burn injury can result in the lifetime of care. This is the reason why people injured from burns opt for the burn injury lawyers.

What is a burn injury case?

A personal injury means that someone has been injured due to other person’s negligence. For the burn injury lawyer to make the claim, the injury must be personal not of the property. In case of the property and the personal injury cases, the insurance company’s will handle the property damage to your home, vehicle or any other property that is damaged.

There are numerous types of burns that result in the personal injury:

1. Thermal Burns
These are one of the most common types of burns in Texas. They are associated with scalding liquids, steam, hot metals or flames when they come in contact with your skin. You can also suffer from the thermal burn if you are involved in a burning car crash.
2. Flash Burns
Flash burns are the result of the exposure to the explosion. This can happen due to car explosion, gas tank, and/or other source. The severity of the flash burn happens due to their closeness to the explosion.
3. Chemical Burns 
These burns are the result of direct contact between a toxic substance and a skin. Things such as construction material, household cleaner and other substances are part of toxic substance list. You can suffer the chemical  at workplace and at home.

4. Inhalation injury
These injuries happen due to the result of breathing toxic fumes. These are generally caused by toxic chemicals or hot smoke. Injuries might include difficulty breathing, carbon monoxide poisoning, and upper airway swelling.

Any burns that you suffer due to someone else’s negligence can result in a personal injury case. Want to know more about your case, contact Frekhtman & Tim Yusuf. They are the leading burn injury lawyers in Texas with years of experience in personal injury cases.

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